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Pain Management With Coolief Joint Treatments

You’re not alone if you are experiencing joint pain that affects your daily life. Arthritis impacts countless people, making simple life tasks challenging or downright impossible. With today’s cutting-edge technology, you don’t have to live with your pain forever. Coolief joint ablation is an innovative and non-invasive way to treat neck pain, back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and knee pain caused by arthritis or osteoarthritis that can help delay or avoid surgery altogether. By choosing Pain & Spine Physicians for Coolief joint ablation in Texas, you can guarantee you’ll get the region’s best healthcare. We’ll work with you to develop a customized treatment plan catered to your unique situation so you can attain a pain-free and mobile lifestyle.

3D image showing Coolief Joint Ablation pain in the human body

What Is Coolief Joint Ablation?

Coolief joint treatments are a highly effective solution to treating arthritic conditions through a minimally-invasive and non-permanent technique. You can successfully overcome uncomfortable and unwanted symptoms by using safe and evidence-based radiofrequency to target and treat painful and inflamed nerves. The Coolief device uses less heat than standard radiofrequency treatments and temporarily numbs the nerve endings that signal your brain to experience pain. The procedure is not permanent, however, our experienced and talented team of doctors will keep in touch to continue your treatment as needed.

What Can I Expect From Coolief Treatment?

Coolief joint ablation treatments are a simple and state-of-the-art way to provide pain relief from arthritis and osteoarthritis through an outpatient service. No incisions or anesthesia are needed to complete the procedure, which takes about an hour. You’ll need someone to drive you home once it’s complete, but the healing process won’t last more than a few days. We recommend using temporary pain medication and ice packs if you experience mild pain and swelling. If the symptoms last a week or more, contact our team, and we’ll be happy to provide you with further assistance.

The Benefits of Coolief Joint Ablation Treatment

If you’re interested in Coolief joint ablation treatment, you’ll enjoy several other benefits by selecting the treatment, including the following:

  • Boosted joint mobility
  • No need for opiates
  • No invasive incisions
  • Fast recovery
  • Up to a year of pain-free joint relief

Reach Out to Pain & Spine Physicians Today

At Pain & Spine Physicians, our pain specialists have successfully treated countless patients across the DFW Metroplex with superior medical care. We have state-of-the-art clinics in Flower Mound, Sherman, McKinney, Dallas, Frisco, and Southlake. By going above and beyond to provide you with customized and comprehensive care, including the innovative Coolief technique, we can help you stop your pain and regain your freedom. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Don’t Live With Pain. Call Now for Relief!