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Treatments for Headaches & Migraines in North Texas

The Pain & Spine Physicians have helped residents in the North Texas area for many years receive treatments for their headaches and migraines. You may think you can simply take care of them with over-the-counter medicines, but you should also have them checked out by a specialist if they are consistent and reoccurring. They could be a sign of something much worse. These two painful issues can be debilitating and resolve in you missing out on some of life’s greatest moments. Don’t let them be in charge of your life and take control today by visiting us at any of our locations around the DFW Metroplex. We can help determine which is affecting you to develop a treatment plan together.

A man experiencing a headache needs urgent treatment at a clinic in the DFW Metro Area

What’s the Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine?

Headaches and migraines can wreck your whole day if you leave them untreated. Especially if they are persistent and chronic. The two can get confused if you are unsure of what makes them different. While both cause irritation and pain there are many differences between the two. Below are examples of both to help yourself discover which you may be experiencing:


Before patients suffer migraines, they experience something referred to as auras. These auras can manifest as visual, auditory, psychological, or physiological symptoms. It’s best to remove yourself to a quieter and less visually active space to try and quell the irritations and pain. Headaches, on the other hand, will occur with very little to no warning.


Both headaches and migraines have plenty of triggers. Headaches can stem from anything such as abnormal posture to dehydration or hunger. And those suffering migraines may experience low blood sugar, contraceptives, or exercise.


Patients experience moderate to severe throbbing when going through a migraine. They can even lead to nausea and vomiting. A headache will feel more like there is a force squeezing your entire head with pain equating to mild or moderate. Contractions between the neck and head are the most common sensations.

Length of Attack

Both headaches and migraines have the potential to last anywhere from a few hours up to a few days. Getting the proper treatment helps prevent them from lasting this long, which is why it’s important to see a doctor right away if you are experiencing chronic versions of either ailment.

How the Pain & Spine Physicians Offer Treatment

We aim to lessen the pain and frequency of headaches and migraines. Pain & Spine Physicians have studied all the possible medications, injections, and natural treatments available and offer the following as we see fit for your diagnosis. If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to our specialists:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Cervical facet injections
  • Occipital nerve stimulation
  • Cervical epidural steroid injections
  • Botox injections

Get Relief Today by Scheduling Your Appointment

With offices in Flower Mound, Frisco, Southlake, Richardson, and McKinney, TX we have the ability to help as many residents as we can in North Texas. Please don’t suffer through chronic headaches or migraines thinking they will go away on their own. Call or visit us today to get personalized care and treatments.

Don’t Live With Pain. Call Now for Relief!