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Welcome to Pain & Spine Physicians in Flower Mound

At Pain and Spine Physicians we provide medical care for patients with acute and chronic pain. We offer cutting-edge treatments as well as traditional ones.

✔️ Medical Doctors Specially Trained in Pain Management
✔️ Comprehensive Pain Management including medications, therapy, injections
✔️ Treatments done IN OFFICE (no driving to remote locations)
✔️ Pain Management that is IN NETWORK with most insurances and Medicare
✔️ Sedation available for pain-relieving injections

World Class Care

State-of-the-art facilities, cutting edge technology & renowned physicians.

Comprehensive Approach

Our comprehensive approach attacks your pain from every angle.

Our Goal is Simple:

To use any methodology in our repertoire to not only decrease pain but also improve our patient’s physical and emotional status to its fullest. We are comprehensive pain management specialists.

✔️ Treating neck, back and body pain of all types.
✔️ Interventional procedures, medication management and coordination of care with physical therapists and chiropractors to provide complete pain care.
✔️ On-site procedure suite with imaging guidance for convenience and lower cost to you.

Common Pain Conditions We Treat

Your specific pain may come from any number of causes, and it is our life’s work to not only find these causes, but then also to treat them with our interventional procedures, comprehensive care, and behavioral health programs.

Joint Pain

We treat joint pain, whether it is from sports injury to chronic degeneration. We use a wide range of comprehensive therapies such as steroid injections, nerve ablations and regenerative therapy.

Abdominal Pain

We treat abdominal pain caused by infection, abnormal growths, inflammation, obstruction (blockage), intestinal disorders, and other causes.

Groin Pain

We have several methods of treating pain in the groin caused by avascular necrosis, avulsion fracture, bursitis, testicle inflammation, fluid buildup, and other causes.

Extremity Pain

We treat arm pain and leg pain with an array of possible treatments and therapies to relieve extremity pain and prevent a recurrence.

Our Pain Management Philosophy

Click the button below to view a video of our physicians discussing the shared philosophy of interventional pain medicine at our clinics.

Pain Is Difficult

Pain causes suffering and can substantially decrease your quality of life. The good news is you don’t have to live with chronic pain.

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Pain Is Not Normal

Though your pain can feel like the “new normal”… It is not normal. There is hope for pain-free living, better health, and improved mobility!

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We Can Help!

Our outstanding pain management doctors can provide intelligent, compassionate, and life-changing treatments that are safe and highly effective.

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3001 Cross Timbers Rd suite 120, Flower Mound, TX 75022, USA

Schedule an Appointment

Complete the form below to request an appointment with one of our interventional pain doctors.

Don’t Live With Pain. Call Now for Relief!